Welcome to Periwinkle Bliss

Have you ever felt an overpowering urge to do something that is completely out of character?  That is me, right now.  For the majority of my life, I have been a pretty private person.  I liked to feel small, unnoticed, you know – fly under the radar. But now, watch out, I have a story to tell, information to share, and nobody is going to stand in my way.

Hi! My name is Jodi.  I am a Canadian! A teacher, an avid outdoor enthusiast, a listener, a fur momma, a reader, a lover of pretty things and a crohnie, as well as a few other things.  Most of all, I am a lover of learning; learning about me, about becoming a better version of me, about what makes me function to the best of my being, and what helps me decompress. Most of all I enjoy learning about what keeps me healthy and feeling G-O-O-D.  So much of what I have learned has come from other people with similar experiences.  Now it is my turn to contribute, to help YOU find practices that you can incorporate into your daily life, so that you too can hopefully become a healthier version of you – crohnie or not.

We’re in this together – this wild adventure called life.  Cannot wait to connect with you and grow with you. Follow that gut of yours, it never steers you wrong.

xo, Jodi

“You have the power to heal yourself, and you need to know that.  WE thinks so often that we are helpless, but we’re not.  We always have the power of our minds.  Claim and consciously use your power.”   – Louise Hay.